Complete sewage collection systems
The need for hospital sewage collection systems is becoming increasingly important in today's society.
The use of radioactive isotopes for cancer treatment is becoming much more widespread and the resulting contamination of the patient’s bodily wastes has generated a need for specialised hospital sewage collection, holding and treatment systems.
Since the waste has to be stored for extended periods to allow the radioactivity to decay, the reduced volume relative to gravity collection, makes the vacuum particularly suitable.
Belfast Cancer Centre
Containment & Disposal of Therapeutic Waste
Belfast Trust constructed a new purpose-built Cancer Centre on the Belfast City Hospital campus in Belfast, Ireland. This new facility ensures that Northern Ireland is now a leader within the UK and Ireland in the field of cancer diagnosis, treatment and research.
Jetvac Inc. is proud to have been the provider of the innovative Therapeutic Waste Containment & Disposal system. We provided a “new concept in Delay and Decay Drainage” of therapeutic drugs.
The principle of Delay and Decay Tanks have been accepted for many years, but the transportation and storage of such large volumes of wastes for protracted periods has proved to be a major problem. The Jetvac system addresses all these difficulties and provided a solution to the handling and disposal of Radioactive Waste.